Designing the weapons and the thoughts behind them

For this week’s blog post, I will discuss the weapons in our game and how we’ve designed them, some discussions about them that we’ve had before and what we are planning on implementing. We have for different kinds of weapons implemented in the game, and they all have different functionalities and they all look visually […]

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This week I’ll discuss one of our enemies and why we thought it was necessary to implement it. We already had 3 different kinds of enemies and all of them had their own attack, but we felt that the game lacked an enemy that shot a projectile of some sort. We agreed upon a squid […]

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The Current GUI

The concept document for SelFish had no planned or explained GUI, so my team and I had to come up with an idea of our own. We discussed our target audience and what they thought would be appealing and decided to have a game based on high-score, though we thought that basing it only on […]

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